What is the ADA and how does it relate to signage?
The success of your business depends not only on global decisions. Attention to detail in a serious matter sometimes makes all the difference.
Have you heard anything about ADA Signage? In this ADA guidelines, we will define what it is and why accessible design means so much for some visitors and employees of the company.
What are ADA standards?

Before we talk about the importance of ADA compliant signs, let's define the terminology. ADA stands for «Americans with Disabilities Act» and it is US law. The purpose of this is to ensure equal civil rights, accessibility of opportunities for people with disabilities and to prohibit discrimination.
The law applies to all spheres of public life: employment and training, public transport and convenient use of public premises, as well as accessibility of communication, programs, and services. Now let's get closer to the ADA signs.
What are ADA signs?
ADA signs differ from regular signs in one important way. They provide visually impaired or sensory impaired people with equal opportunities to use your business's services.
Many people have heard about Braille dots with domed or rounded shape which are placed on signs. This is the main, but not the only, aspect that helps improve the experience of people with disabilities. But we'll talk about this in more detail later. Now consider the role of visual signs and tactile signs that meet ADA requirements.
Importance of ADA compliant signs
Every customer deserves attention from businesses, and people with disabilities are no exception. This also applies to employees with disabilities, because they have the right to decent working conditions. If the company is enforcing ADA sign requirements for signs, it gets an image of being socially responsible.
Let's build a simple logic chain that allows us to identify why it is so important for customers and therefore for you.
What happens after you take care of placing ADA signs?
You create welcoming, accessible spaces for people with disabilities and open your doors to everyone without exception. Your business is able to meet additional needs and provide high-quality service. In addition, you can provide jobs for employees with disabilities.
As a result, you get more customers and loyal employees. The business not only receives additional profit but also positive feedback and a powerful image.
Do not forget that by purchasing signs with ADA standards, you need to take care of the issue in a comprehensive way: equip the entrance with ramps, add exterior signs, clear floor space, provide accessible parking spaces, install an assistive listening system and take other important measures.
To ensure that the signs are not just an element of the interior, but actually fulfill their function, read the basic requirements.
What are the ADA sign requirements?
According to ADA requirements, accessibility signs must be tactile for people with visual impairments. That is why they must be hung in a way that allows people to reach them with their hands and also to access in a wheelchair.
Place ADA compliant signage at the entrance to the building and set up signs identifying permanent rooms beyond the door swing on the wall space or on the door. At the same time, the door should not harm the person who gets acquainted with the information. Also install elevator signs to indicate your location and direction. Don't forget to mark permanent interior office rooms, provide direction, and warn of possible dangers.
Types of signs
If we are talking about equal opportunities for all visitors, then it is better to immediately choose all accessibility signs that meet the ADA requirements. People with disabilities should receive the same information as others.
Make sure you don't forget these important ADA signs:
- Door Numbers
- Room Signs
- Restroom Signs
- Info Signs
- Prohibitory Signs
- Directional and informational signs
- Desk Signs
- Floor Signs
- Exit signs
- International symbol of accessibility
Appearance of ADA tactile signs
Due to ADA signage requirements, the text and visual symbols of the sign must be color-contrasting with the background, with tactile characters. If you choose a light font and symbols, the sign should have a dark background, and for the dark content of the sign, choose a light background.
The font should be simple, for example sans serif font, medium or bold. Line spacing and letter spacing should comply with ADA requirements for easy perception.
Don't try to convey all the important information in one sign. Each new message, e.g. marking women's and men's restrooms, should be placed on two separate signs. Avoid unusual forms of signs and make sure that the sign edge is not sharp.
ADA Braille signs should be tangible enough so that a person can easily receive information.
Read our article «What is braille required for ADA compliant signage?» to learn more about tactile sign requirements.
Before installing the signs, we recommend reading more about the requirements clearly described in the federal law.
Which businesses need ADA signs?
In short, ADA compliant signage is necessary for every business that serves customers in person.

Equip permanent interior building spaces of such businesses with compliant signs:
- offices;
- hotels;
- food establishments;
- stores;
- salons;
- educational institutions;
- clinics.
These and other fields should take care of the convenience and safety of their customers and provide accessible features. This is the duty of businesses established by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
As a manufacturer of high-quality interior signs, Bsign takes care to comply with all the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and monitors updates. By choosing us, you are guaranteed to improve your business space, and your products or services will become accessible to people with disabilities. We will help you with the selection of signs during the consultation.