7 ways to arrange your home number creatively
In private households, house number signs is an important part of the overall atmosphere. Therefore, building owners usually pay quite a lot of attention to the choice of this product. But here there is another point that is of great importance: location of the number. We have collected tips for you to help you decide where to place the number.
General principles
First of all, you need to critically examine the background on which you are going to attach the number. This is necessary in order to provide color contrast for example, of the wall and the number plate itself. If the background is light siding, it is better to choose a black or dark number and vice versa.
Another important component — size of the future number. It is necessary to understand from what distance the numbers can be seen. That is, when you want to place a number on the wall of a room, and between the building and the road you have ten or twenty meters of lawn, then the person should see the numbers from this distance. Therefore, they should be quite large.
If the house is really far from the road, you can use the following matching:
- distance to the sign up to 15 meters — symbols at least 10 centimeters high;
- distance to the sign up to 30 meters — symbols at least 12 centimeters high;
- distance to the sign up to 90 meters — symbols at least 16 centimeters high.
And also make sure that there is an adequate distance between the letters and the numbers. They should not be too close to each other or, conversely, very far away. Sign manufacturers will help you choose the optimal distance between symbols. After all, they know that, for example, the interval between straight letters should be larger than between rounded ones.
Also, consider that the color and style of the room should somehow be harmonized with other details of the design of the yard. For example, black numbers can resonate with black fence bars or door handles.
Where can you place your number?
We will tell you only about seven location options. In fact, there are many more of them. So don't limit your imagination.
1. Fence
Despite the fact that house numbers are more often placed on the walls, you can also use a fence for this purpose. This option will be especially good if the house is located away from the road.
On the fence, you can place both a sign with a number and individual numbers. It depends on the characteristics of your fence. For example, if it is made of brick or wood, both options are suitable. If the structure consists of metal grilles, it is advisable to choose a sign.
It is better to choose numbers and signs made of metal or acrylic glass.
2. Mailbox
This is a really attractive and practical solution. Both a separate box and a box built into the gate or wall will be an excellent basis for placing a number.
If the box is made of metal, it is better to choose simple and elegant black numbers. And signs made of metal or acrylic glass are better suited to wood products.
3. Columns
They are present in most private homes. Someone has it on the porch, someone has it near the gate or as a support for hanging flower pots. So, why not use these exterior elements? Yes, it may seem a little unusual, but a number that consists, for example, of three vertical digits on columns is clearly visible. It's also stylish.
For this arrangement, individual numbers are best suited.
4. Outdoor lighting
Above the door or on both sides of it, there are often various light sources: LED lamps or strips, solar panels, garlands, etc. So, the room number located next to them will look very impressive in the evening.
When choosing this option, give preference to rooms with glossy surfaces that reflect light well.
5. Doors
On the one hand, this is a familiar solution. But if you move away from the standards, this number placement option can look creative. For example, on a simple white door, you can place a sign made of acrylic and wood, which will contrast well with the surface.
You can also make a hanging version of the door number signs: for example, place metal numbers on a wooden rail or a small flower pot and fix it all on a chain.
By the way, don't forget about the back entrance. There, too, the number will not be superfluous.
6. Flower pots
The number can be placed on hanging structures with flowers and ground planters. At the same time, signs or numbers will look good on white containers, as well as on marble, concrete or wooden ones.
You can choose, for example, individual black or glossy numbers, signs made of transparent acrylic glass or metal. Any of these options will attract attention and show that you are a creative person.
7. Lanterns on the plot
Almost everyone has them on their plots. So, why not put a house number on them? This is not only unusual, but also a practical solution, because in the dark the number will be visible against the background of the switched-on lantern, and during the day it will also not be lost against the background of glass.
For this placement option, thin black numbers are best suited.
If you have any ideas for perfect numbers, but you haven't seen just such a product on sale, please fill in the form. Our manager will contact you, give you a free consultation and help you decide on your order.