interior signs

Trends in door decoration 2023

Doors are a part of the interior that has not only practical functions, but also affects the aesthetic attractiveness of the premise. To make your doors look modern, we will tell you about trends 2023. This information will help you create a unique interior.

One of the main trends this year is sustainable solutions. That is, those that take into account the principle of reasonable consumption. Other trends flow out of it, which are often aimed at giving new life to things that you already have.

Of course, this also applies to doors. The trends listed below will allow you to use a minimum of resources, but have iconic items in the interior that give it character.


We always say that fashion trends are very important in modern interior door design but it is equally important to adapt each of them for yourself.

This is the only way to create an interior that reflects your taste and personality.

So, personalization and customization for those who want to have a unique space — first of all. They will help you not only show that you are aware of trends, but also demonstrate your own values.

numbers signs

Important information

You should distinguish between customization and personalization. When it comes to customization this means that the basic item is slightly changed to meet the customer needs.

If we are talking, for example, about furniture, then you can make an example of wood of the color that the buyer wants to see.

Personalization assumes that something is made for the customer from scratch, taking into account all his wishes.

For example, draw a sketch of a door in the form of an arch or circle. And then the idea is brought to life from materials that are also chosen by the customer.

About the importance of customization of interior design door signs we have written an article, you can read it here.

Unconventional and deviant from traditions

This trend is to some extent a continuation of the previous one. For example traditionally, doors are made single-color, but now block painting becomes popular in interior door design.

That is, part of the canvas is painted in a contrasting color, for example, white and blue or milk and chocolate are combined.

numbers signs

Important information

It is not for nothing that people say that you need to know the rules in order to break them. When it comes to design, you should be guided in the basic terminology, principles and trends of interior decoration.

That is, before you start developing your own project, you should get an idea of the canonical features of the style of your room and its decor.

It is this knowledge that allows you to create truly unique and harmonious spaces. This approach is not a disregard for traditions, on the contrary, it reveals the potential of interiors that everyone has long been accustomed to.

Clean lines

Modern interiors are often built on the basis of clean lines — straight lines that are not interrupted or disturbed by the decor. Therefore, you can and even need to choose doors that are not overloaded with additional elements.

It is these models that create a sense of comfort, peace, and ease. It seems that creating such a door does not require much effort.

But in fact, you need to thoroughly know the laws of working with forms and compositions, principles of functionality of objects, and so on.

For example, these can be minimalistic products made of solid wood with the most concise geometric or hidden handle.

If you want to add some “zest”, next to the door you can place a sign or plate in a unique design.

By the way, accent details, in the role of which interior door signs are often used, are also in trend now.

information signs

Important information

This trend should be used in a dosed manner, without frills. In other words, clean lines are good, but there is always a place next to them, for example, for rounded or broken ones.

The contrast will emphasize the nuances and features of individual items and the uniqueness of the interior as a whole.

Variety of textures

A combination of different materials in modern interior door design allows you to create interesting and non-trivial solutions.

For example, untreated wood and glass create an original ensemble, while silver stainless steel with the same glass looks weightless and airy.

Also among the trends of recent years is the combination of white color and a variety of wood. For example, as in the «Scandza» design of signs .

Important information

Given that now monochrome and minimalism are key trends, without adding textures to the interior, it is almost impossible to make it “аlive”, that is, having a special atmosphere.

At the stage of finishing planning, remember the basic rule of introducing textures to the interior: do not use more than three in one room.

Also, follow this recommendation: if you want to place two objects with different textures side by side, one of them should be neutral, and the second should be accent.


Popularity of eco-friendly materials in interior door design is growing rapidly, so in door decoration many people want to use just such accessories.

Products in the BSIGN online store are safe not only for you, but also for the environment, so you can safely choose them when creating a trending interior design.

Important information

Often eco-branded materials are not only about safety, but also about the so-called “tactile textures”. That is, materials that are, for example, rough, porous or, conversely, very smooth.

They not only attract the eye, but also attract touch, feel the material with your hands.

Metal parts

Steel, copper, brass, bronze-all these materials have long been popular in interior door design and decor.

They can be used to make handles, numbers, hanging decor, and so on.

Depending on style of the doors you can choose simple modern details or refined, stylized in the old days.

Important information

Remember that metal parts are a reminder of:

  • fundamentality;
  • status;
  • respectability.

And metal is actually universal. It can be combined with wood or glass and get a worthwhile design solution.

Would you like to order a unique door sign or a number that will fit perfectly to your apartment door or office space?

Leave your contact details in the form and BSIGN online store manager will contact you very soon and will conduct an exhaustive consultation and offer various options of signs.

interior signs

Olena Zadniprovska

Article author

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