3 non-obvious places where custom signs should be installed
Everyone is familiar with standard door signs for public spaces, such as "Exit", "Toilet", "No smoking" — they are understandable and even obvious. But there are places that still lack signs, although they are already needed to provide proper regulations. This has become especially noticeable in recent years, as people's behavior has changed, along with their values and needs. Therefore, today Bsign will discuss 3 "non-obvious", yet highly relevant situations where your business will definitely need a sign or plaque indicating.
1. Cafeteria signs: "No work zone"
More and more people are using coffee shops as workspaces with Internet access. However, if the establishment is focused on creating an atmosphere of conversation over a cup of coffee and a delicious dessert, it is worth designing specific areas, windows or tables to show where working is not allowed in such locations. An informational sign on the table that says "This table is for warm conversations, not for laptops" is a much nicer gesture or better idea than staff comments or the obviously unpleasant glances of other visitors.
2. Restroom signs for kids: "A place for little heroes"
Children's restrooms, if available, are often lacking a special touch or interesting signs posted. A children's restroom sign with a cute inscription "A place for little heroes" or a symbol on the door that depicts little people will add a sense of inclusivity and help children feel important and on par with adults. For businesses whose customers are families, this non-obvious place should be given significance and marked accordingly with directional and informational signs.

3. In the waiting area: "Wait, you will be approached" or "Please wait to be seated"
In restaurants or cafes where service is provided at the tables, customers sometimes get confused, not knowing the rules of the establishment: whether to approach the bar or wait for the waiter at the entrance. "Please wait" signs or the sign "Wait, you will be approached" will help organize the space and pleasant atmosphere for both customers and staff. It will also take responsibility off customers to think about where to go, where to sit or how to find the waiting area. After all, it's always enjoyable when the business cares for you to protect your safety and thinks everything through in advance.

Non-obvious locations or buildings require obvious solutions. Thus, the right visible sign or plaque is not just a detail, but a manifestation of care for customers and their comfort. To ensure that visitors don’t feel lost or out of place, create a space where every sign or picture is not hidden but speaks for you, and customers feel cared for before they even have to ask. And we suggest starting the creation of this space with a free consultation with the Bsign team.